The European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) is a pan-European initiative through which local and regional authorities of the Council of Europe member states are invited to organise public events, with the aim of mobilising European citizens around the theme of local democracy.
The Municipality of Valongo has joined this initiative since 2014, and since then, in addition to the main events it organises during the European Local Democracy Week, which always takes place around 15 October, it implements different initiatives and events throughout the year. The initiatives are very diverse but have the common goal of increasing citizens’ knowledge and involvement in local politics, intensifying and deepening the dialogue of elected representatives with citizens, strengthening local democracy and reinforcing respect for human rights.
The Municipality of Valongo can contribute to SDG implementation in several ways, such as raising Awareness and Fostering Engagement, as ELDW provides a platform for the Municipality to engage citizens and local stakeholders in discussions about the SDGs and their relevance to their daily lives. Empowering Citizens and Strengthening Democracy will also accelerate SDG implementation, because ELDW's focus on citizen engagement aligns with SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. By promoting dialogue between elected representatives and citizens, the Municipality can empower individuals to take an active role in decision-making processes and hold authorities accountable for SDG implementation. This enhanced citizen participation fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards sustainable development outcomes.
Furthermore, the Municipality of Valongo can identify and prioritize local challenges that intersect with the SDGs. By aligning their own development plans and policies with the SDGs, the Municipality can ensure that their efforts are targeted and contribute to the global agenda while addressing specific local needs. Building Partnerships and Multi-stakeholder Cooperation will encourage collaboration between local and regional authorities. By fostering partnerships with neighbouring municipalities, civil society organizations, private sector entities, and academia, the Municipality of Valongo can leverage resources and expertise to address complex development issues that transcend administrative boundaries and require collective action.
In conclusion, the Municipality of Valongo's active participation in the European Local Democracy Week presents a valuable avenue for accelerating SDG implementation and addressing interlinkages at the local level. By fostering citizen engagement, aligning local priorities with the SDGs, building partnerships, and promoting inclusivity and human rights, the Municipality can make significant strides towards sustainable development while contributing to the broader global agenda of achieving the SDGs by 2030.